How do I add a shelf button to launch a Toolkit app in Maya?

Adding a shelf button in Maya to launch Toolkit apps in Maya is pretty straightforward. Here is an example of how to add a custom shelf button that opens the Loader app.

Note : This assumes Toolkit is currently enabled in your Maya session. This example code does not bootstrap Toolkit.

Open your Script Editor in Maya and paste in the following Python code:

import maya.cmds as cmds 

# Define the name of the app command we want to run.
# If your not sure on the actual name you can print the current_engine.commands to get a full list, see below.
tk_app = "Publish..."

    import sgtk

    # get the current engine (e.g. tk-maya) 
    current_engine = sgtk.platform.current_engine() 
    if not current_engine: 
        cmds.error("ShotGrid integration is not available!") 

    # find the current instance of the app.
    # You can print current_engine.commands to list all available commands.
    command = current_engine.commands.get(tk_app) 
    if not app: 
        cmds.error("The Toolkit app '%s' is not available!" % tk_app) 

    # now we have the command we need to call the registered callback

except Exception, e: 
    msg = "Unable to launch Toolkit app '%s': %s" % (tk_app, e)
    cmds.confirmDialog(title="Toolkit Error", icon="critical", message=msg)

Select this code and drag it on to your custom shelf. See Maya docs for more info on how to work with custom shelf buttons.

You should be able to use this code example to launch any Toolkit apps that are enabled in Maya by modifying the tk_app and call_func variables at the top.

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