How can I create publishes via the API?

Our sgtk API provides a convenience method for registering PublishedFiles entities in ShotGrid.

In addition we also have a Publish app, that comes with its own API. The Publish API ultimately uses the core sgtk API method to register the PublishedFile, but it also provides a framework around collection, validation, and publishing, which can be customized In addition to the the Publish API documentation, we have examples of writing your own publish plugins in our pipeline tutorial.

Using the register_publish() API method

While it is possible to create publish records in ShotGrid using a raw ShotGrid API call, we would strongly recommend using Toolkit’s convenience method. All toolkit apps that create publishes are using a API utility method method called sgtk.util.register_publish().

Basically, this method will create a new PublishedFile entity in ShotGrid and is trying to make that easy by using toolkit concepts. Your code would need to do something along these lines:

# Get access to the Toolkit API
import sgtk

# this is the file we want to publish.
file_to_publish = "/mnt/projects/proj/seq_abc/shot_123/comp/foreground.v034.nk"

# alternatively, for file sequences, we can just use
# a standard sequence token
# file_to_publish = "/mnt/projects/proj/seq_abc/shot_123/comp/renders/v034/foreground.%04d.exr"

# The name for the publish should be the filename
# without any version number or extension
name = "foreground"

# initialize an API object. If you have used the Toolkit folder creation 
# to create the folders where the published file resides, you can use this path
# to construct the API object. Alternatively you can create it from any ShotGrid
# entity using the sgtk_from_entity() method.
tk = sgtk.sgtk_from_path(file_to_publish)

# use the file to extract the context. The context denotes the current work area in Toolkit
# and will control which entity and task the publish will be linked up to. If you have used the Toolkit
# folder creation to create the folders where the published file resides, you can use this path
# to construct the context.
ctx = tk.context_from_path(file_to_publish)

# alternatively, if the file you are trying to publish is not in a location that is
# recognized by toolkit, you could create a context directly from a ShotGrid entity instead:
ctx = tk.context_from_entity("Shot", 123)
ctx = tk.context_from_entity("Task", 123)

# Finally, run the publish command.
# the third parameter (file.nk) is typically the file name, without a version number.
# this makes grouping inside of ShotGrid easy. The last parameter is the version number.
  published_file_type="Nuke Script",

There are several options you can populate in addition to the basic ones shown above. For a full list of parameters and what they do, see the Core API documentation.

Tip : If your code is running from within a Toolkit app you can grab the sgtk instance via self.sgtk and the context with self.context. If it’s not in an app, but will be running within software where a Toolkit integration is present, you can access the current context and sgtk instance with the following code:

import sgtk
currentEngine = sgtk.platform.current_engine()
tk = currentEngine.sgtk
ctx = currentEngine.context

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