How do I re-setup a Toolkit project using ShotGrid Desktop?

If you’ve already set up a Toolkit configuration for a project and need to start fresh, the Advanced Setup Wizard in ShotGrid Desktop will not allow you to re-setup the project unless you’ve removed the previously setup configuration.

Here are the steps for manually removing those settings:

  1. Delete any PipelineConfiguration entities linked to your Project in ShotGrid..

    Access to the PipelineConfiguration entity page

  2. Set the Tank Name field on your Project entity in ShotGrid to a blank value.

    Clear the project tank name field

  3. Remove any corresponding pipeline configuration directories on disk..
  4. In ShotGrid Desktop select the project you wish to set up. If you were already viewing the project, jump out to the project list view and then back into your project again.
  5. Now you can run the project setup process again.

Alternate method

If you are used to using the command line to set up your project with the tank setup_project command then you can add a --force argument to the end of the command. This allows you to set up a previously setup project without following the manual steps listed above.

tank setup_project --force"

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